Netanyahu says ceasefire with Hamas won’t stop Israel’s military offensive in Gaza

Netanyahu says ceasefire with Hamas won’t stop Israel’s military offensive in Gaza

Netanyahu mentioned that the intense phase of the military assault on Rafah is nearing its end.
Netanyahu says ceasefire with Hamas won’t stop Israel’s military offensive in Gaza

Web Desk


24 Jun 2024

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stated that his government will consider a partial deal to facilitate the return of some Israeli hostages. However, he emphasised that the Gaza offensive will continue until Hamas is eradicated.

Earlier, US President Joe Biden presented a ceasefire deal proposed by Israel, suggesting a six-week halt to hostilities. 

In a recent interview with Israeli media, Netanyahu dismissed this possibility, saying, “The goal is to return the kidnapped and uproot the Hamas regime in Gaza.”

Netanyahu mentioned that the intense phase of the military assault on Rafah is nearing its end but “It doesn’t mean that the war is about to end, but the war in its intense phase is about to end in Rafah.”

While the offensive in Gaza will slow down, Netanyahu said the Israeli military will shift focus to fighting Hezbollah on the Lebanese border.

“After the intense phase is finished, we will have the possibility to move part of the forces north. And we will do this. First and foremost for defensive purposes. And secondly, to bring our [evacuated] residents home,” he said.

“If we can, we will do this diplomatically. If not, we will do it another way. But we will bring [the residents] home,” he added.

Since the beginning of the Israeli offensive in Gaza on October 7, Hezbollah has attacked Israel several times and indicated readiness to engage in full-scale war if provoked.

Netanyahu also rejected the idea of Gaza being run by the West Bank Palestinian Authority instead of Hamas. 

He asserted that a civilian administration comprising local Palestinians, with international assistance, would be established to manage aid supply and civil affairs in the enclave.

More than eight months of Israeli assault have created dire conditions in Gaza, with food shortages leading to malnutrition and starvation among children. 

According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, Israel’s military offensive has killed at least 37,598 people.


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