Photos of Israeli soldiers desecrating Saudi flag draw ire on social media

Photos of Israeli soldiers desecrating Saudi flag draw ire on social media

The authenticity of the image cannot be independently verified.
Photos of Israeli soldiers desecrating Saudi flag draw ire on social media

Web Desk


27 Jun 2024

A photo of a group of Israeli soldiers standing on a Saudi flag while posing for a picture triggered outrage on social media, with many netizens condemning the act as Islamophobic and indicative of bias against Muslims.

The controversial picture, which went viral, was shared on multiple social media accounts, alongside other similar anti-Muslim posts reportedly shared by Israeli soldiers on their Instagram accounts.

The picture was first shared on June 24 by an account named Tamer on X.

“A group of Israeli soldiers in the Paratroopers Brigade trample the Saudi flag and the Shahada (Islamic declaration of faith) during the ground invasion of Khan Yunis,” the post read.

“This is what a soldier posted on his Instagram account. This is Israeli filth and contempt,” Tamer added.

Tamer later shared another post on X, revealing the accounts of the Israeli soldiers, who posted the pictures, and highlighting their other anti-Palestinian posts on Instagram.

However, the authenticity of the image cannot be independently verified.

A pro-Palestinian account on X claimed that the soldier who shared the post deleted it and switched his account to private after the picture went viral.

“Not only is this an insult to our brothers and sisters in Saudi Arabia, but it also insults two billion Muslims since the flag contains the name of God and Prophet Muhammad [PBUH],” an X user commented.

A pro-Israel account shared the controversial picture with the caption, “Death to Hamas,” indicating a failure to recognise the difference between the flags of Hamas and Saudi Arabia.

“Why are they so uneducated? They’re stepping on Saudi Arabia’s flag, thinking it’s Hamas. And yet, they claim they’re taking out Hamas in Gaza when they don’t even know who or what Hamas is. Their goal is genocide. Not Hamas, not self-defense. Genocide,” a pro-Palestine X user said.

There has been no official response from the Saudi government so far.

The possibility of normalising ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia remains on the table, with Saudi officials repeatedly stating that any such agreement is contingent on a ceasefire in Gaza and the acknowledgment of Palestinian statehood.


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