Saudi Arabia omits 'Israel's name' in PR on Gaza escalation talks with Palestinian President

Saudi Arabia omits 'Israel's name' in PR on Gaza escalation talks with Palestinian President

The Kingdom's PM met with the Palestinian President in Riyadh on Wednesday.
Saudi Arabia omits 'Israel's name' in PR on Gaza escalation talks with Palestinian President

Web Desk


28 Aug 2024

The Saudi Press Agency's (SPA) press release on the meeting between Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made no mention of Israel, despite discussing the "military escalation in Gaza and its surroundings".

The Kingdom's Prime Minister met with the Palestinian President in Riyadh on Wednesday.

During the meeting, Prince Salman emphasised Saudi Arabia's ongoing efforts to communicate with international and regional parties to halt the escalation. 

He reaffirmed the Kingdom's unwavering support for the Palestinian people to obtain their legitimate rights in a decent life, achieve their hopes and aspirations, and achieve a just and lasting peace

Following the meeting, the Saudi Arabia's official media outlet issued a press release detailing the key points of the gathering.

However, there was no mention of Israel, the real culprit behind the genocide in Gaza.

The subtle yet deliberate exclusion has sparked interest in diplomatic circles as it may indicate a nuanced approach by the Kingdom in addressing the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Earlier, Mohammed bin Salman expressed fear of being assassinated due to his efforts to restore ties with Israel, according to US publication Politico.

He shared his concerns with US Congress members, citing the example of Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat, who was killed after signing a peace treaty with Israel in the 1980s.

"The Saudi royal has mentioned to members of Congress that he’s putting his life in danger by pursuing a grand bargain with the U.S. and Israel that includes normalizing Saudi-Israeli ties," the publication reported.

"On at least one occasion, he has invoked Anwar Sadat, the Egyptian leader slain after striking a peace deal with Israel, asking what the U.S. did to protect Sadat," it added.

Earlier this year, Saudi Arabia maintained that it will not establish diplomatic relations with Israel until an independent Palestinian state is established within the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

On the other hand, White House National Security spokesperson John Kirby had said that Saudi Arabia had given a positive response to the US over normalising ties with Israel.


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