US has “undeniable complicity” in killings of Palestinians, say former US officials

US has “undeniable complicity” in killings of Palestinians, say former US officials

They also called on the US government to recognise Palestinian self-determination
US has “undeniable complicity” in killings of Palestinians, say former US officials

Web Desk


3 Jul 2024

Twelve US officials who resigned in protest against their government’s pro-Israel policy, have collectively stated in an open letter that the US is "undeniably complicit” in the killing of Palestinians in Gaza.

In a joint statement, the former officials have accused the Biden administration of violating US laws by continuing to ship weapons to Israel. 

Their resignations highlight internal disagreements within the US administration over its policy on Israel and Palestine, particularly amidst Tel Aviv's current military offensive, which has killed at least 38,000 civilians in Gaza.

The White House and the State Department have not yet responded to the statement.

The officials who signed the joint statement were former members of the State Department, Education Department, Interior Department, White House, and the military.

"America's diplomatic cover for, and continuous flow of arms to, Israel has ensured our undeniable complicity in the killings and forced starvation of a besieged Palestinian population in Gaza," they said in their statement.

The former government officials urged the US to use its "necessary and available leverage" to cease the military operation and facilitate the return of Palestinian hostages in Israel and Israeli hostages in Gaza.

They also called on the US government to recognise Palestinian self-determination and to provide financial support for an "immediate expansion of humanitarian assistance" in Gaza.

Israel’s relentless military offensive has left no place of refuge from north to south, as Rafah has been decimated and continued airstrikes on refugee camps have killed and burned alive many, including children and newborns.

A member of the UN’s Independent International Commission of Inquiry (COI) on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Chris Sidoti, described the Israeli army as "one of the most criminal armies in the world" during a press briefing on June 19.

Based on the evidence collected during the commission's investigation, he accused the Israeli army of engaging in criminal activities.


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