Watch: Israeli embassy in Mexico set on fire by protesters over Rafah massacre

Watch: Israeli embassy in Mexico set on fire by protesters over Rafah massacre

Pro-Palestinian activists, participating in the "Urgent Action for Rafah" protest, expressed their outrage at the Israeli embassy, which was ignited using Molotov cocktails.
Watch: Israeli embassy in Mexico set on fire by protesters over Rafah massacre

Web Desk


29 May 2024

Angry demonstrators set the Israeli embassy in Mexico City on fire in protest against what they describe as the ongoing genocide in Gaza. Clashes erupted between law enforcement and protesters during the demonstration.

Pro-Palestinian activists, participating in the "Urgent Action for Rafah" protest, expressed their outrage at the Israeli embassy, which was ignited using Molotov cocktails.

The protesters, who concealed their identities, retaliated against riot police by throwing stones after the police attempted to disperse them with tear gas and blocked their access to the embassy compound.

The situation escalated when a group of demonstrators tried to dismantle the barriers preventing their entry to the diplomatic mission.

There were unverified reports of multiple injuries amid the chaos.

On Tuesday, Mexico filed a declaration of intervention at the International Court of Justice, supporting South Africa's accusation of genocide against Israel.

Similar protests erupted globally following an Israeli attack on a refugee camp in Rafah on Sunday evening, which killed at least 50 people in what was considered a safe zone.

In response to the bombings, Israeli Minister of Military Affairs Yoav Gallant announced on Sunday that the Israeli military operations in Rafah would continue.


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