Sindh CM announces Rs1mln to heirs of people killed in street crime

Sindh CM announces Rs1mln to heirs of people killed in street crime

This announcement comes against a backdrop of growing concerns over the surge in dacoity incidents within the province.
Sindh CM announces Rs1mln to heirs of people killed in street crime

Web Desk


27 Jun 2024

Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has announced a compensation of Rs1 million for each family who lost a member while resisting dacoity in the province from January to date.

Speaking at the Sindh Assembly, Shah reported that 84 people had been killed in dacoity incidents since January. He expressed regret and acknowledged that he and his ministers should have visited the victims' families to offer their condolences and support.

“We will provide Rs1 million to the families of all those who lost their lives in dacoity incidents from January till now,” Shah declared.

Shah also took the opportunity to criticize the caretaker government, accusing it of hindering the work of the elected government. He emphasized that it is not within the caretaker government’s remit to obstruct the progress and initiatives of the elected officials.

Additionally, Shah highlighted financial challenges faced by the Sindh government. He revealed that the federal government has withheld Rs76 billion, and while Rs25-30 billion was allocated for the K-4 water project, the Sindh government has contributed Rs3 billion towards a Rs40 billion plan.

This announcement comes against a backdrop of growing concerns over the surge in dacoity incidents within the province. Many residents have voiced their fears and frustrations over the deteriorating security situation, urging the government to take more effective measures to combat crime.

In response to these concerns, Shah assured the assembly and the public that the government is taking steps to improve law enforcement and public safety. He mentioned plans to increase police presence in high-risk areas and invest in better training and equipment for law enforcement officers.

The Chief Minister's compensation announcement is seen as a step towards providing some relief to the grieving families and demonstrating the government's commitment to addressing the issue of dacoity. However, critics argue that monetary compensation alone is not enough and call for more comprehensive strategies to tackle the root causes of crime in the province.

As the government works on these initiatives, the people of Sindh remain hopeful for a safer and more secure future. The administration’s ability to effectively curb the incidents of dacoity will be a crucial test of its governance and commitment to the welfare of its citizens.


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