Shaza Fatima dismisses reports firewalls are supposed to control social media in Pakistan

Shaza Fatima dismisses reports firewalls are supposed to control social media in Pakistan

During the discussion, the minister avoided addressing specific inquiries about the installation of firewalls, instead focusing on broader cybersecurity issues.
Shaza Fatima dismisses reports firewalls are supposed to control social media in Pakistan

Web Desk


31 Jul 2024

Minister of State for IT Shaza Fatima Khawaja has dismissed claims that the country's forthcoming firewall is intended to control social media.

Addressing the media at the Parliament House about current cybersecurity issues and social media regulations, she clarified that rumors suggesting firewalls are designed to manage social media content are baseless. She stated that these controversies are often stirred without reason, as social media remains accessible.

During the discussion, the minister avoided addressing specific inquiries about the installation of firewalls, instead focusing on broader cybersecurity issues.

"Ensuring cybersecurity is essential," Fatima emphasized, underscoring the government's dedication to tackling cybersecurity challenges.

Ms. Khawaja also addressed questions regarding the recent shutdown of X, formerly known as Twitter, noting that the platform's non-compliance with Pakistani laws was a major concern. "If all other social media platforms are accessible, why is Twitter the exception?" she queried.

"Twitter's failure to implement local laws is problematic," she said, contrasting it with Facebook, which complies with local regulations. She highlighted the need for similar compliance from Twitter and mentioned ongoing discussions with the platform.

Regarding content restrictions, Fatima pointed out, "If there were a ban, platforms like TikTok and Facebook would also be affected. However, TikTok adheres to local laws 95% of the time."


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