Good news for Umrah pilgrims as Saudi Arabia starts issuing visas

Good news for Umrah pilgrims as Saudi Arabia starts issuing visas

According to the latest announcement, the Nusuk App will resume issuing Umrah visas starting from Zilhajj 15, corresponding to June 21.
Good news for Umrah pilgrims as Saudi Arabia starts issuing visas

Web Desk


21 Jun 2024

The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah has commenced issuing Umrah visas for the post-Hajj season, as reported by the Saudi Press Agency.

Following the conclusion of the annual Hajj pilgrimage on Wednesday, the ministry has swiftly acted upon directives from the leadership to accommodate a growing number of pilgrims and cater to their needs and aspirations.

To facilitate a smooth experience for Hajj pilgrims arriving in Makkah from around the globe, the ministry temporarily suspended the issuance of Umrah permits through the Nusuk application for a period starting May 23. This measure aimed to ensure that Hajj rituals could be performed with ease and comfort.

According to the latest announcement, the Nusuk App will resume issuing Umrah visas starting from Zilhajj 15, corresponding to June 21. This resumption is expected to streamline the arrival of Umrah pilgrims into the Kingdom immediately following the Hajj season.

The ministry underscored its commitment to leveraging technical expertise and implementing comprehensive programs to support both Hajj and Umrah pilgrims in fulfilling their religious duties. Their efforts are geared towards enhancing the overall experience and facilitating the smooth conduct of rituals during these sacred journeys.


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