"I will never forgive Arab leaders:" Heartbreaking letter from 10-year-old Palestinian martyr emerges

"I will never forgive Arab leaders:" Heartbreaking letter from 10-year-old Palestinian martyr emerges

Israel has been bombing Gaza since October 7 last year.
"I will never forgive Arab leaders:" Heartbreaking letter from 10-year-old Palestinian martyr emerges

Web Desk


26 Jun 2024

A 10-year-old Palestinian boy, named Abdulkadir al-Husseini, was burned to death by Israeli forces in Rafah on May 26, 2024.

Before his passing, he wrote a heartbreaking letter expressing his feelings about the situation in Gaza.

The young boy also condemned the abandonment of Gaza by Arab leaders, saying, "If I die or become a martyr in the war, I will never forgive the Arab leaders who abandoned us."

"We had a hard time without food and drink and a siege that made my hair grey despite my young age. May Allah not forgive you. I swear I'll complain to the creator of the seven heavens about you," the minor boy addressed the Israeli military and its government.

The letter also contained a message to his mother, seeking forgiveness and expressing love. 

"I seek your forgiveness mother. I love you very much. Do not be sad about my departure from this world." Abdulkadir said.

The minor victim's letter also prayed for various nations who supported Gaza in difficult times.

"My letter to the people of Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Algeria, Libya, Lebanon, Tunisia, Sudan, Somalia and Malaysia and to all people who support us."

"The abandoned Gaza is entrusted to you. The forgotten Gaza is entrusted to you. I swear to you and leave you my legacy," the martyred boy added in his letter.

In a heart-wrenching conclusion, Abdulkadir wrote, "I love you very much. I believe that you will not abandon us. Anyone who finds my letter should share it. By the permission of Allah, I am a martyr."

Israel has been bombing Gaza since October 7 last year, resulting in the deaths of at least 37,626 people and injuring 86,098 others.

The humanitarian crisis in Gaza continues to worsen, with families being forced to drink dirty seawater for their daily needs, according to UNRWA.

UNRWA's Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini said that almost 10 children are losing one or both legs in Gaza every day.

The World Health Organisation has reported that thousands of Palestinian children in Gaza have been diagnosed with malnutrition.

The international community has condemned Israel's actions in Gaza, with many calling for an end to the violence.

On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has rejected a permanent end to the military assault on the coastal enclave.

“It (ceasefire) doesn’t mean that the war is about to end, but the war in its intense phase is about to end in Rafah,” he said while talking to a local news channel.



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