Palestinian girls resume practicing boxing amid rubble in Gaza

Palestinian girls resume practicing boxing amid rubble in Gaza

The Israeli military offensive has had a devastating impact on Gaza.
Palestinian girls resume practicing boxing amid rubble in Gaza

Web Desk


9 Jul 2024

In a powerful display of resilience, Palestinian girls have resumed their boxing practice in Khan Younis, southern Gaza, despite the devastation caused by Israeli bombings.

Coach Osama Ayoub trains the girls in a camp for displaced Palestinians. 

"We were displaced from Gaza city to Rafah. My home and club were destroyed. But I continued to coach boxing in Rafah, in camps, schools - both public and UNRWA schools," he said while talking to Middle East Eye.

Bilsan Ayoub, a displaced boxer, also shared her experience on how boxing gives her relief during tough times.

"We were displaced to the south and stopped practicing boxing for a long period. We were scattered across different areas, [and] displaced to various places," Ayoub said.

"Later, we were all regrouped in one camp. Captain Osama gathered us and helped us resume boxing. It's good for us to practise this sport at this particular time because it helps us release negative energy, mental fatigue and the exhausting aspects of our lives. Boxing unburdens us from all of that," she added.

However, the trainer expressed concerns over the girls' sacurity, saying, "There is no safety anywhere. As we train, the occupation could strike us at any moment."

The Israeli military offensive has had a devastating impact on Gaza, killing 38,000 Palestinians and injuring tens of thousands more. 

The population of Gaza has decreased from 2.3 million to 2.1 million, according to recent estimates by the UN humanitarian community.

However, Hamas has not backtracked from its commitment to make Palestine an independent state.

On the other hand, a survey conducted by Israeli media channel 12 News revealed that almost 68% Jews believe their country is far from achieving victory in the one-sided war in Gaza.


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