Saudi Arabia holds "investment meeting" with Pepsi amid boycott movement

Saudi Arabia holds "investment meeting" with Pepsi amid boycott movement

Israel has been committing war crimes in Gaza for almost seven months.
Saudi Arabia holds "investment meeting" with Pepsi amid boycott movement

Web Desk


21 May 2024

Saudi Arabia, the most important country in the Islamic world, on Tuesday held a meeting with PepsiCo to discuss investment opportunities amid a global movement to boycott Israeli and US products in support of the Palestinian brothers and sisters.

The development was shared by Saudi Press Agency (SPA) with pictures of two sides.

The meeting was held between Saudi Minister of Economy and Planning Faisal Alibrahim and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PepsiCo Ramon Laguarta.

"During the meeting, they discussed Saudi Arabia's economic transformation under Vision 2030, and investments opportunities in various sectors," the publication said in a statement.

Pepsi is an American carbonated soft drink brand, but it owns SodaStream, an Israeli company that produces seltzer makers.

SodaStream is also listed in the BDS — Boycott, Divest, and Sanction — movement.

The BDS “works to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and pressure Israel to comply with international law”.

The BDS movement has been gaining traction in several Muslim countries, including Pakistan, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and others, due to the support of the Palestinian cause among citizens.

However, the Kingdom's move has sparked outrage among social media users, who are calling Saudi Arabia to uninked a deal with Pepsi.

Israel has been committing war crimes in Gaza for almost seven months, causing many human lives and billions of dollars in damage.

Nearly 80,000 homes have been destroyed by the Israeli military since October 7,  according to data shared by Palestinian authorities.

Israeli bombings have killed over 35,000 Palestinians and injured over more than 78,000 in Gaza.


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