Book borrowed 84 years ago returned to Finland library

Book borrowed 84 years ago returned to Finland library

The library staff got their hands on the Finnish-translated version of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's popular historical novel Refugees.
Book borrowed 84 years ago returned to Finland library

Web Desk


31 May 2024

A book borrowed eighty-four years ago from the Helsinki Central Library Oodi in Finland has been returned.

The library staff got their hands on the Finnish-translated version of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's popular historical novel Refugees.

The book, “happily” returned by an anonymous person, was collected by librarian Heini Strand at the main desk. The equation between the original book borrower and the individual giving it back remains a mystery. 

“The due date of the loan was 26 December 1939. Usually, these kinds of loans returned decades after the due date are books found when people go through deceased relatives' belongings,” The Guardian quoted  Ms Strand as saying. She continued that it was the first time she received a book so long overdue. The librarian added that she found it “lovely” that people were motivated to do the right thing by returning a book that belonged to the library's property.

Ms Strand explained that the due date fell just a month after the Soviet Union attacked Finland in November 1939. It ultimately caused the deadly Russo-Finnish War. For people surviving in a war-torn country, returning a book on the stipulated date is likely to be the last thing on their minds. 

The Winter War between Finland and the Soviet Union, which also affected neighbouring countries, came to an end almost four months later in March 1940. Both nations agreed to sign a peace treaty that forced Finland to surrender a majority of their land. Reading the situation, Ms Strand said, “If the person survived the war, the person probably had other things on their mind than returning the book.” 


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