Father of two-year-old girl killed over robbery resistance in Karachi

Father of two-year-old girl killed over robbery resistance in Karachi

Almost 80 people have been killed by dacoits for showing resistance in Karachi.
Father of two-year-old girl killed over robbery resistance in Karachi

Web Desk


10 Jul 2024

In yet another incident of street crime in Karachi, a man was killed by armed dacoits for resisting robbery in the port city on Tuesday night.

According to police, the incident took place when the victim, Imran, along with his friend, was setting up his new phone outside his house in New Karachi industrial area of the metropolis.

Police said the robbers took away Imran's new smartphone after killing him upon showing some resistance.

The law enforcers informed that the the victim was an employee of a garment factory and a father of a two-year-old daughter.

The family of the victim said that Imran had purchased a new mobile phone just a day before the incident.

The surge in street crimes has instilled fear and insecurity among Karachi's citizens, as robbers continue to commit crimes with impunity. 

In the first six months of the ongoing year, almost 80 people have been killed by dacoits for showing resistance during the robbery incidents in Karachi.

The incidents have raised concerns about the city's law and order situation, with many calling for increased security measures to prevent such crimes.

On the other hand, Sindh Home Minister Zia-ul-Hasan Lanjar has announced that he would suspend the SHO of a police station if any citizen loses their life during the robbery incident in Karachi.



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