Survey reveals 81% of Pakistanis opt for arrange and only 18pc love marriages

Survey reveals 81% of Pakistanis opt for arrange and only 18pc love marriages

The percentage of girls who had arrange marriages is higher.
Survey reveals 81% of Pakistanis opt for arrange and only 18pc love marriages



1 Sep 2024

Gallup Pakistan, a public opinion research organization, has released a survey regarding marriage trends in the country.

According to the survey, arranged marriages are common in Pakistan. It was revealed that 81% of Pakistanis had arranged marriages, while 18% said they had love marriages.

Gallup Pakistan reported that the percentage of girls who had arranged marriages is higher, with 85% marrying according to their parents' wishes, while 14% preferred to marry by their own choice.

The survey showed that 77% of boys followed their parents' choice, while 22% married by their own preference.

Among those who had love marriages, the rate was 21% among youth up to the age of 30. In contrast, the highest percentage of arranged marriages was among Pakistanis over the age of 50.

Furthermore, 89% of individuals preferred their parents' choice, while 10% gave priority to their personal preference over their parents' opinion.


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