In a first, Punjab issues heavy transport vehicle licence to transperson

In a first, Punjab issues heavy transport vehicle licence to transperson

For the first time in the whole province, Punjab issued a heavy transport vehicle (HTV) licence to a transperson, Shahana Abbas Shani.
In a first, Punjab issues heavy transport vehicle licence to transperson


27 Sep 2023

Shani said she wanted to obtain a heavy vehicle licence to get an honorable employment.


"Now, I will drive trucks and earn money in a respectable way," she said after receiving her licence.

While narrating her journey, she said the truck adda drivers made fun of her when Shani told them about her wish to drive a truck.

However, a driver expressed his willingness to give her driving lessons and in two months she attained perfection.

Later, she approached the district traffic police to get a licence and passed the driving exam as well as practical test.


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